

-7 degrees celsius….feels like -11.4 degrees celsius……

Are you KIDDING ME!!! It was so cold I couldn’t feel my face when I walked to the shed! There were frosticles everywhere! Even the locals looked slightly surprised! When I was moving rubbish around from outside the shed the front of my shirt was covered in ice – it looked like I was turning into a snowman!


Another day at the warehouse and today it finally felt like we were getting somewhere. The shelves are organised, and although things are not in numerical order they are at least all in the same location. Just one more day and it should be all finished. The final job will be a little bit like tetris, moving things around to find the right fit, and to make room to fit another 9-10 pellets of sample bags which will be collected during this drilling program.

To reward myself, I went off for lunch at the famous Wilder’s bakery in Young! I’m really missing my mum at the moment so I decided to have a creamed apple turnover as it is her very favourite thing. I can verify that the bakery is wonderful and the cakes are yummy!


Having stayed at the warehouse to work while my Long Suffering Mentor went out and pegged the drill site, I was a little disappointed I didn’t get an opportunity to scope the site and situate myself in readiness for a professional conduct in the participation of a drilling program – read : I missed out on looking for rock outcrops and smashing the hell out of them with my 15 inch sledgehammer appropriately named “Lucille”. So I was absolutely delighted when my Long Suffering Mentor arrived back at the warehouse with rock samples for my collection. They are Serpentinites, an alteration mineral originating from Dunnite, the mineral Olivine gives it the greenish colour, and it has an almost soapy look to it. Absolutely gorgeous specimens and I CANNOT WAIT to get out to the drill site and have a look!

img_3003So tomorrow will be cleaning up the last of the warehouse, and packing the equipment we need for the drilling program. My trusty field hands will be busy pre-labelling the chip trays and sample bags in readiness for the drilling. We also have a list of sample bags we have to find to take back to be assayed. Which means tomorrow may include an extremely undignified photo of me arse up in a bulka bag!